Thursday, August 11, 2011

We Are the Champions My Friends!

Where was I? Yes, a huge day we had on Monday! As you previously know SC and DC cycles 130.8 miles in order to beat our 122, well their victory was short lived! We road 135.8, that's right 5 more than them!

Although this was a great day, it came with a lot of bumps along the way... I first had a flat after 20 miles and also noticed my back tire was bald so I changed my flat and flipped around my tires. That wasn't soo bad, but then about 15 miles later lil foot got a flat, but her flat also meant the end of her fat crappy temporary tire. A huge construction staple got stuck in hers. She changed the flat and we crossed our fingers Nd continued. After 75 miles it was only lunch time, we were looking good. After lunch lil foot had another flat, but it wasn't the tube so much as the tire. We went to a local bike shop where we both bought more tubes. Then we sat outside at lil foot which her tires and replaced a tube. By the time we took care of tires it was already 4pm and we had a lot of miles to cover. Joce caught up at this point and would go ahead to the town we planned on camping in. As we rode on it became later Nd later the. It was dark. Joce to the rescue! She had our head lights so he met back up with us and after we were lit up she decided to trail behind us and be our headlight! I felt like a celebrity or something with this kind of support. We made it to a gas station and o ly had 4 miles til our next camping location. So off we went. As we pulled in it was plain to see this was going to be a rough night. The spot we pitched our tents eS also home to7 feral cats. Not a good sign. It spelled like pee and there was cat food on the ground close by. Lil foot Nd I were having Kentucky Dave's flash backs.
The plan for the next day, get the Hell out of there and into a hotel near by. Lil foot had her tires delivered to katoes and Kevin and they finally showed. We met katie halfway in phoenix, az where we had lunch together. Then it was movie time. Yay! A month of waiting to see harry potter and what a disappointment. Such a crap last movie, lil foot informed me the books were 1000% better. If only I liked reading. Ha.
Back to the hotel for an amazing.night of sleep on what felt like a cloud!
This morning we didn't get an early start. In fact we didn't start until 11:30, not so smart in the dessert. Joce stayed with us til 3:30ish, then we were back to supporting ourselves. Only roughly 55 mules today because of our late start. Tomorrow we hope to start riding by 6am and over the border into Cali by lunch. I think we'll get it down!

With only one state to go and 15 days til we reach San Fran, the end is near and we can taste it. Beach camping, seeing some of lil foots friends and Eric will be amazing. Can't wait to actually reach the coast so I can dive right into the ocean!

Peace out cub/girl scouts!

A little too tired for side notes tonight, but tomorrow I'll write a few you all may enjoy!

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