Finally found some service. Let's see, yesterday was a pretty interesting day to say the least. Woke up in the house of god, weird enough to fill the whole day but I'll continue. Lil foot and I set a single goal for the day, find beer to celebrate the 4th of July the way real Americans do! We began late, as usual, because the insane storm that we were expecting the night before decided to hit in the morning. We finally hit the road at about 8:30am, and it was 9am when we had to hide out under someone's carport for 20 minutes during the heavy rain and lighting flashes. We caught a short break and made a run for it, only to reach a grocery store to buy a couple things and hide out again for over an hour this time. This was shaping up to be a terrible celebration and still no beer on my hand. Ugh. Lil foot tossed on her rain gear before we braved the storm again. As we began another piece of our day the rain stopped and the sun began to shine! At the same time we were climbing a hill so the sweat began falling off of us, lil foot hauled ass up the hill and peeled her rain gear off, she only had it on for 15 - 20 minutes, so that was short lived. Haha
Finally we reached the Ohio River after 26 miles, tons of rain, lighting, thunder and still no beer. In no time flat we made it to Elizabethtown Illinois, and the sun was beating down! We sat down to have some lunch, and made a decision to stay the night at a River Rose Bed & Breakfast. They have a pool, lots of tv channels, ac and most important there was a liquor store literally around the block. Now it was time for some real celebrating!! A 12 pack later we walked up to a local bar, oh man what a hole. The bartender was very friendly but I think she was just excited to have someone new in the place. Lil foot had a pint for $1.75 and my beer was $2, very pricey. We didn't stay there long because we were afraid we may be kidnapped and our teeth might be stolen, believe me these people didn't have a full set of teeth between all of them. CREEPY. It was time to head back to the room, I didn't last much longer, but lil foot was a trooper and polished off the remaining beers and even took care of my half drank beer!
We woke up this morning not in any mood to even look at a bike seat, nevermind ride on one. It was time for a much needed rest day! The sun was beating down, so by 10am we were suited up and laying by the pool, hopefully our tan lines aren't nearly as bad now. You should see our legs, its pretty funny. Lunch time rolled around so we went to the same place as the day before and stuffed our faces, we also went there for dinner. We asked the innkeeper if we could pitch our tent for the night instead of paying a ton for another night, but an arrangement was made and lil foot and I had two nights in a bed for the price of one! Love this place, just not this town.
Tomorrow we'll make it to Carbondale, Illinois where we will get our bikes checked out and tweeked. Then Thursday we shall be in a new state! I think crossing boarders has been my favorite part of riding, but of course getting into shape is up there too! In case you want to know how we're looking, I'd say 5 weeks of riding has done a number to our leg muscles, oh and lil foot can now do 2 1/2 push ups! She's so strong now, Hahaha.
That's about it for now, good night people!
Oh wait, we found out today that we should never drink the water here cause the water tower and pipes break all the time. Would have been great to learn this yesterday before a downed a ton of water, so I'm crossing my fingers that I don't get sick.
Peace out...
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