Today was another tough day in the heat and hills of this roller coaster state, Missouri. For all those who own motorcycles you should ride through here, it would be amazing, on a bicycle however, not so fun. The day started a little later than we hoped but we were on the road by 7am. We slept on the lawn of a court house/library which was not only hot but very noisy. Lil foot thought a baby was crying at one point, and I just wanted to punch anything making noise so I could sleep. Anyway, we hit the road and the heat wasn't bad yet, there were clouds in the sky and a slight breeze! But it didn't last long til the heat kicked back in. Ugh.
If anyone of you have seen the weather lately then you'll know that we are riding through a gross heat wave which warns people to stay indoors and limit exposure to the sun, clearly we have a death wish because we are pushing through!
Along the way we made a random find, a little farm that had about 6 peacocks! The guy had the feathers, I believe, and this guy sure was shaking a tail feather to get some attention! Lil foot has a good picture of it, we will try in the next day or so to find a library and upload some pictures.
For lunch we went to subway, eat fresh! I love $5 foot longs! Haha. We also rehydrated and.enjoyed some AC for q couple hours, then back to work. Besides some steep climbs we noticed a new smell, US! We are stinking at this point and were hoping for a shower or something soon. At one point I couldn't tell if I had passed road kill or if it was just me, I know, bad.
During the last part of our ride we began saying that we hoped to see our Norwegian friend, Nina, again. Lucky us she was on the city park of Ash Grove when we arrived! We did a bit of chatting, found out the brothers which we met in eastern Kentucky had called it quits due to a deer running into one of their bikes and damaging it badly. We were also happy to here that this park has showers! Probably one of the grossest but I'll take any thigh at this point. We had dinner, tuna on bagels, and a few cold beers, showered up and now its time for bed.
The three of us plan to camp in Pittsburg Kansas where I will finally get my bike fixed, then the lil foot and I will be taking a day off to get shit done. Tomorrow will be a roughly 60-65 mile day then we plan to start up again Friday and haul ass through all the flat terrain before climbing the Rockies.
Thanks once again to Peter who helped me make it this far on a tire that should have given out already!
Also shout out to Marykate, miss you crazy bitch!
Well its way passed my bedtime, so good night all.
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